Friday, 7 June 2013

Vespers of Love

Easter Sunday afternoon, the faithful gather once more for prayer with lighted candles. All sing the hymn, "Christ is Risen from the Dead."

The people greet one another joyously, saying: "Christ is Risen," the Easter salutation which is answered, "Truly He is Risen."

They sing, "The dark shadows of the Law have passed away by the coming of grace," and standing in exaltation, they exclaim, "Who is so great a God as our God?"

The Gospel according to Saint John (20, 19-25) is read in various languages, proclaiming the Good News of Resurrection all over the universe without discrimination.

The fruit of faith in the Resurrection of the Lord is love in His Name; therefore, this day is called "Sunday of Agape" (love feast), a day dedicated to Christian principles, especially to forgiveness and charity.

At this time, Christians seek to end misunderstanding and arguments among those with whom they may be at odds.

Apostle Paul firmly interprets the Resurrection of Christ, saying: "If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain" (1 Cor. 15, 14).

The Church also states in its Creed, "The Third day He rose again".

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